November 2011 archive



A big thank you to everyone who came along to our mini-Christmas market yesterday.  Leading up to the actual day I was imagining that it would either just be Angelique and I passing the time with the occasional visitor or we’d sell out in 5 minutes.   I knew a few friends would definitely turn up for support and it was great to see those friendly faces :)  I’m happy to say that we had quite a few people turn up and the hour passed by in a flash with a really pleasing number of sales.

My stall in slight disarry and a little emptier at the end of our mini market

I am also pleased to say that I raised 7,450 XPF for the Red Cross.  Thanks so much to those of you who purchased car rolls (the profits of which are going to the Red Cross) and made donations.  The Red Cross are visiting the slums of Noumea on the 10th of December to distribute practical gifts such as nappies to mothers’ and children in need.  It is great to be able to contribute to the broader community here and I hope to find some more ways to do so in the future.  I’ll be dropping off a cheque at the Red Cross tomorrow, but I know that they also accept donated items so if you have any un-needed baby items cluttering up your home, please consider dropping them off at L’Accueil Mamans at the  Croix Rouge Francaise on Rue de la Somme (Maison du Petit Enfant, opposite the library, where the creche is) :)

I’m taking a bit of a break today, but tomorrow I’ll start uploading photos onto my facebook page, so if you couldn’t make it to the market or would just like to have a peek at my goodies on offer, please stop by.  I’m also happy to take in custom orders :)  I’d like to keep this blog as more of a fun, creative space, so if you’re interested in making a purchase please keep an eye on facebook or contact me.

Thanks again for those who dropped by and also to Jill from the Anglophone Playgroup and the lovely ladies from ScoopNC for mentioning our market on their site.  It is such a thrill to have had a successful first market! You all really made my day x

More goodies on the way!


Thanks for stopping by and checking out the goodies that Angelique and I will be offering for sale on the 23rd November at SPC.  As promised here are a few more handmade treats to tempt you.

L-R: Santa Stockings, Blackboard Christmas list

I won’t scare you (or me!) by counting how many days until Christmas, but here are some Christmas goodies to tempt you.  Have you ever heard of chalkcloth?  It is basically the same as a blackboard but fabric.  Clever!  So you can stick your Christmas list to the fridge and get the kids to write up their wish list, rub off and rewrite as many times as you want.

Angelique has made these gorgeous dollies.  There is not much to say  other than I want one :)

Bonne weekend xx

Buttons, addictive? Just a little!


Have you ever made buttons?  Once you start you just can’t stop.  These are a few I’ve made recently that are destined for hair clips, fridge magnets and hair ties.  I mean, you wouldn’t actually use them as buttons would you?  Well, I do sometimes :)

If you like the look of these stay tuned for details of my very first market.  Post coming tomorrow…  Hope you’re as excited as I am!

To market, to market…


So my lovely crafting buddy Angelique (who I have been meaning to blog about for awhile now) and I are having a bit of a stall next Wednesday 23rd November at the SPC Social Club from 9.30am here in Noumea (it is near the tennis courts around the back).  Excited, me?  Just a little…  Well, I hope you get excited too and maybe even pop in to say hi!

Top L-R: Dress, Boys shorts, Hair accessories, Girls romper made
using the Tie Dye Diva Ruffled Romper pattern.
Bottom L-R: passport cover, pencil rolls, ruffled nappy cover, boy’s
reversible overalls made using a Scientific Seamstress pattern.

Angelique is really very talented, I admire her style and enjoy reading her blog No Life Without Wife.  She is a much more prolific blogger than me (although today seems to be a bloggy kind of day)!  She makes the cutest hats for these crazy little Blythe Dolls (their eyes change colour!) and sells them and other gorgeous creations in her Etsy store, La Petite Chouette.  I’d never heard of Blythe before I met Angelique and now I think I’m starting to want one…

Did I mention how talented Angelique is?  Here are some of her goodies!

I have gone on a bit of a cutesy whirlwind and have made some lovely little kids clothes ranging from 6 months – 6 years.  Lots of girls stuff but also some nice pieces for the boys too.  It is so rewarding to find great boys clothes and I’ve really enjoying making things that Mr 3 and Mr 5 keep asking if they can keep.  They’re looking forward to after the Stall when Mummy will make all the cool shorts that I’ve promised them.

L-R: Girls Romper made using Tie Dye Diva pattern, Ruffled
Nappy Cover, Pillowcase Dress, Ruffled Nappy Cover.

Other than clothes I’m also making a few toys, Christmas bits and pieces and will offer some custom orders.  It’s time for sleep now, but I’ll put some more photos up over the next couple of days in the hope that you’ll be tempted to come along to our Christmas market!



Well, today was a bit up and down.  I’ll spare you the down bit and share the up :)  My labels arrived!  What do you think?  I’m just a little excited!



So, it turns out that Halloween is pretty big in Noumea.  We went to a kid’s Halloween party which was chaotic but fun.  The kids dressed as a superhero, a witch and a baby ;)  I made Mr Husband put on a Batman hat/cape thing (but her removed it within a few minutes of arriving) and I dressed as a clown.  Funnily enough I put together a complete clown outfit from my wardrobe (including wig) and most of my friends didn’t recognise me.

Excuse the dodgy phone shot, but hey, he glows!

I made Mr 3 this trick or treat bag out of felt scraps (which he promptly left at the party).  We even managed to hand out some candy to trick-or-treaters after we got home.  You can read more about Halloween in Noumea here.

Life and blogging


So lots of sewing has been happening here, but not much blogging.  Sorry!  But I promise I’m back on track (how many dormant blogs have I come across that end with a post just like this?) and here is a picture of the cutest little outfit I made Miss 1 over the weekend.  It is the Ruffle Romper pattern by the Tie Dye Diva which you can purchase at her etsy shop here.  She is happy for people to sell outfits made by her patterns so I’m considering making a couple more.  What do you think?  I think it is GORGEOUS!

And the back being modelled (size 18-24 months over a modern cloth nappy).
This is how Miss 1 helps me sew.  Inspecting cotton reels.