December 2011 archive

Kids Crafty Christmas


Mr 3 and Mr 5 are desperate to learn to sew.  Mr 3 has tried by himself a few times which is actually rather scary.  Luckily he hasn’t hurt himself or anyone else (or damaged any of my projects) yet!

Anyway, seeing as I have been getting crafty for Christmas I decided it was time to have our very first sewing lesson.  Let’s use the term sewing loosely shall we :)

Early on I helped Mr 3 to hold the needle, but he soon got the hang of it.

Armed with a bowl of cut out felt pieces and beads, a large darning needle and beading thread, Mr 3 and Mr 5 got to work making some hanging Christmas decorations.  It was so much fun and they were really proud of themselves!  I was super proud :D

I tied a heavy bead to the end of the thread.  Beading thread was perfect as it is big and stiff and they were able to rethread the needles themselves without any help.  They did need to be repeatedly reminded to hold the needle and thread at the eye of the needle so they wouldn’t have to keep re threading.

It was a great help having Mr Husband around, but I think I could do this again without additional adult supervision.  Having said that, we did it during Little Miss’ nap time, there is no way I could have managed with a 15 month old trying to help!

Please ignore the massive scratch on Mr 3′s tummy…
A close encounter with the corner of a glass table top :(
L-R: Mr 3′s hanging decoration, Mr 5′s hanging decoration

We then moved on to making felt Christmas trees.  This was a lot harder for them and I’ll wait until next Christmas to try again.  Or maybe I’ll just do it first up next time when we all have more patience and energy.  I had to help them with these ones, but they pretty much did them by themselves.  Sewing the trunk on was a little tricky though.

Mr 3′s tree on the Left and Mr 5′s Tree on the Right.

Do you have any Christmas craft ideas for kids?  I have a few on pinterest but would love any other suggestions!

Crafty Christmas


Prior to this year I wasn’t really one for Christmas craft.  Well, with a 5 year old in the house the excitement is infectious and I have been busy getting crafty for Christmas :)

Here is the advent calendar that I have been working on.  It was inspired by this one here at Pink Chalk Studio.  I am rather proud of it and the kids love it which is great.  It is hanging in our kitchen above the breakfast table which means that we can put a decoration on it first thing every morning leading up to Christmas.

Here is a close up of some of the decorations that hang on the advent calendar.  The only double-ups are the baubles with our names on them.

I’ve also been inspired by my crafty buddy Angelique who makes these gorgeous Christmas friends.  Isn’t she clever?  These cuties are destined to be Christmas gifts :)

Here is our lovely Christmas tree!  I thought you might like the palm tree in the background.  Christmas in the South Pacific :)  The kids have a multi-coloured one in their room, but I decorated the family one.

As it turns out, craftiness runs in my family.  Here are the very special Santa and Mrs Claus that my Nana made years ago.  I was a teenager at the time and didn’t want any, all the Aunts and Uncles and Cousins got their own ones but I was too cool for school.  Which meant that I inherited the set that Nanny made for herself.  I love them and they remind me of her so much.  Wasn’t she a clever crafter?  Now Mr and Mrs Claus are enjoying the South Pacific :)

I hope you are all enjoying a crafty Christmas xx