November 2012 archive

TGIFF… Let’s focus on the awesomeness!


I’m really glad it’s Friday.  Really, I’m glad.  But I’m not feeling the sweet relief of TGIFF *sigh*

I hoped to scrape in my November Wombat Stew bee block for Kristy.  I’m 3/4 of the way there, I’ve designed a Paper Pieced sewing machine block.  It’s big at 10″ x 10″ and I’m loving the machine.  Not so much the stripy wall paper!!  Who chooses stripes when PP???  Not me next time ;)

With that little frustration off my chest (it’s going to be awesome and I love Wombat Stew, I’m just having a few issues with matching my stripes) I can share one gorgeous finish this week :)

iPad pouch inside
Front inside pleated pocket (pen pockets)

I mentioned on Wednesday that I was working on gifts for our teachers for the end of the year.  I’m making both teachers and iPad pouch using this fantastic pattern from Michelle Patterns.  I have to admit, I’m not really a pattern girl, too many words LOL  but this one has come together really well.  The only thing that you should be aware of is that it uses templates, I prefer measurements, but of course you can take these from the templates for future use :)  I will happily use this pattern again and again!

iPad pouch front

I have finished the pieced pouch for Mr 6′s teacher but the second one is only half way there (I decided to jump to my bee block which remains unfinished…).  The finished one is awesome though ;)  So let’s focus on that!

iPad pouch front inside
Front inside

I did a combination of Quilt as you go and traditional quilting using both stash and scrap fabrics including some precious Liberty of London scraps that I bought a while back.  I used Aurifil 50 wt for both piecing and quilting (and had fun using my new colourful threads!) and bamboo batting.  I love how it came together.  Next time I will do more of the dense straight line quilting.  I love the look and it is rather therapeutic :)

iPad pouch back

The text print is really lovely and very relevant for an inspiring and dedicated teacher.  It has a number of sentences including, “The purpose of Life is to grow”, “The essence of life is to give”, “The joy of life is to love”, “The adventure of life is to learn”.  As much as I really love this pouch and dearly would love to keep it, Mr 6′s Maitresse is absolutely wonderful and I am more than happy to give her something that I would love to keep!

I also have to make a special mention of my gorgeous friend Melissa.  Until recently she was my scrap supplier, but she has caught the quilting bug and this week is joining up with TGIFF for the first time.  She has beautiful scraps so I’m hoping to see more gorgeous quilts from her :)  Pressure’s on Midge! ;P  How’s that for friendly encouragement? ;P

I’m linking up with TGIFF at Making Rebecca Lynne.

I Spy Progress


I wrote yesterday that I planned to baste my Rainbow I Spy quilt last night.  I had packed it up along with everything else before we went on vacation.  I had forgotten that I hadn’t yet added the final borders LOL  Having set everything aside for a month I redid my quilt math from scratch this morning and then got busy finishing my quilt top and back.

This afternoon was crafternoon but almost everyone was busy (we have a newborn in our group, yippee!) with various commitments except my lovely friend Sarah and I.  Today Sarah was cutting out paper Christmas crafts but she was kind enough to put her tools down and help me with some photos (did I mention that she is tall?) :)
A finished quilt top, yay!
I Spy Quilt top complete
And back!
I Spy quilt back complete
An iron might be required!
I’m very happy with how everything is coming along.  I lay the quilt top and back on Mr 4 and Mr 6′s beds today just to get an idea of placement.  Mr 4 was very disappointed to be told that they are actually one quilt and for his brother.  I did remind him that his quilt is also reversible and even though this one won’t be on his bed it will be in his room.  I don’t think that was quite the response he was after…
Tonight I plan to baste this quilt.  Fingers crossed there is something interesting on TV LOL

Work In Progress: Teacher Appreciation gifts


It’s a few weeks since I have linked up with Work In Progress Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.  With a two week holiday and then a frantic week of sewing for school, unpacking and flying solo whilst Mr Husband was out of town for work…  Well, not much of interest was in progress.  This week I’m back on track :)

We have about three weeks left of the school year so I’m focusing on thank you gifts for the teachers and possibly some farewell gifts for Mr 6′s class (they will be leaving l’ecole maternelle – preschool – and moving to Primary School).  I’m not sure if I’m up to 26 gifts in the next week though LOL

During all of the fun sales last week in the US I bought this lovely pattern.

Appledot blog image
Source: Michelle Patterns

It is an “Ideas Pouch” but fits an iPad or a few notebooks, pens and probably a few other bits and pieces.  Both Mr 4 and Mr 6′s teachers will be receiving one of these.

teacher gift wip Mr 4

I’ve chosen the above fabrics for Mr 4′s Maitress but I know Mr 6′s teacher a little better so I went out on a limb and got creative with some gorgeous scraps.

teacher gift slq

Hopefully I’ll have them both done by the end of the week.  I think the one for Mr 4′s teacher will come together much faster as I won’t be quilting and piecing quite so much.

teacher gift wip

Do you remember my current big WiP?  Mr 6′s rainbow I Spy quilt.

rainbow ispy with border

The top is complete and I’ve decided to go with grey on the back with the rainbow quilt.

rainbow ispy wip

The floor is clean (and the kids keep being told to keep off it LOL) and hopefully I will get to basting it tonight.  I would love to start now but I don’t think it’s a wise idea as I will have to leave the room whilst preparing dinner leaving three monkeys children in the same room as a quilt in progress…

I’m very excited to get back to this quilt and I hope to get started on the actual quilting this week.  I have collected a bunch of Aurifil threads in the rainbow, I’m going to get creative! :)  I don’t expect to finish as I have a few other bits that are further up the to-do list, but I just want to dip my toes in the water so to speak :)

I loved our holiday in Australia but I am really loving being back with my sewing machine and stash.  Does anyone else feel a sense of satisfaction upon returning home from holidays and diving into one’s stash?  My sewing room is a mess, but I’m so please to be creating again!

I’m linking up with Work In Progress Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Sunday Stash – filling the gaps


I’m on a bit of a fabric ban at the moment.  Which shouldn’t be a problem as I have a sizeable stash and it should actually be a good thing to focus on using what I have for awhile!  Luckily just prior to my ban I stocked up on some colours that were lacking in my stash; greens, yellows and purples.  Whilst we were in Australia a few packages arrived and the last week has been so hectic that I actually haven’t looked at them properly yet!  I definitely can’t claim self-control, just that Mr Husband was away, I was busy getting some last minute sewing done for school, some gifts and of course unpacking…

I haven’t decided whether my fabric ban applies to my Pink Castle Fabric monthly Stash Stack Club.  Tough call…  My most recent arrival (and I’m almost a month behind due to my remote location)  definitely fills a gap.

sunday stash stack
October Stash Stack from Pink Castle Fabrics

Whilst these yellow-green hues are not ones that I would have selected myself, I know that I will use them.  It is the reason that I love having this subscription.  Every month I receive great prints that compliment my stash.  I have a FQ subscription which I find is a great size for quilting, although I tend to use little bits of paper piecing more than quilt piecing so far.

Each stack brings a new favourite or two.

sunday stash new to me
sunday stash new favourites

There is usually a print that I’ve been considering buying and now I have a fat quarter of it!

sunday stash new

I always check what colour is coming next but can never remember (let’s blame my forgetfulness on lack of sleep!  I was up 4 times last night with a 2 year old who has always been a poor sleeper and a 4 year old who had a fever.).

I’m in no way affiliated with Pink Castle Fabric (or any other business), I just like to share finds that I like :)

I’m linking up with Sunday Stash at Finding Fifth.

Finding Fifth

End of Year Gifts


I mentioned the other day that I had started on some gifts for the staff at school to thank them for looking after our boys this year.  We still have a month of school left, but last year the auxiliary staff went on strike for the last few weeks so we weren’t able to give them anything.  This year I didn’t want them to miss out!

Mr 4 and Mr 6 actually have the same assistant teacher, she swaps between their classes, spending the morning with Mr 4 in the Section de Petit and the afternoon with Mr 6 in the Section de Grande.  Both boys have a Cantine lady that takes their groups to the Cantine for lunch.  Mr 6 also wanted to give something to the two ladies that serve the meals in the Cantine.  All of these women work really hard and the kids really like them.  I wish I had been organised a little earlier to give them something more, but considering I had to come up with 5 gifts and we have only been back from our holiday for less than a week, and I fit in sewing the class costumes….  Modest gifts it is :)

assistant teacher gifts
Oh dear, we have a wonky dumpling!

I made a dumpling purse for each of the ladies using this great tutorial.  I didn’t use interfacing.  Rather I used scraps of cotton wadding and quilted each of the purses, just the outside fabric and the wadding.  Each purse was filled with cute wrapped chocolates.


The tutorial is super easy and I will definitely make more of these.  Sal commented that they are the perfect size for holding mouth guards and of course the Roller Derby gal’s need funky covers for their mouth guards! :)  I’m thinking of changing up the pattern a little, but have a few things to do first LOL

I literally finished these off this morning and took the photos as we were running out the door to school (hence the totally dodgy photography, sorry!).  I wish I had taken a few more photographs as I did a heap of quilting on them.  The yellow one has SLQ on the diagonal between the flowers and the rest have a heap of FMQ.  It’s hard to see below, but the brown floral one has FMQ outlining some of the flowers, the green one has FMQ on the leaves and around the flowers and in the centers, the pink one I echoed the flowers in the negative space and FMQ the centres.  For the Blue purse I FMQ spirals and echoed them until I met the next spiral.  They have really fun lining fabric too.  I really should have taken more photos!!

dumpling purses fmq

Next is back to my to-do sewing list (which is growing).  Tonight is the Spectac (end of year concert) and I’m helping Mr 6′s class back stage.  AND!!!!  Mr Husband is coming back from his work trip early so he will meet us at school and will see the kids perform :)  :)  :)

Sewing for school


You may remember that right around the time I started this blog last year I was sewing a whole heap of gift bags for our school.  They were used for the school fair and whilst I didn’t sew any more this year, my marathon effort paid off and there were still lots to be used this year :)  I was actually a little sad that I wasn’t going to be sewing for school this year, but it turns out I came in useful at the 11th hour :)

60 bazillion bags drying on the line
Tomorrow night is our end of year concert and if you know anything about French schooling you will know that the Spectac is a BIG deal.  The kids usually practice for about 2 months, mostly at lunch time with the Cantine ladies, but as the big performance gets closer they practice regularly during class time also.  Everything is a big secret and the kids are not meant to tell their parents the theme of the dance or show us any of their moves.  It is an exhausting night, our Spectac is in the evening and finishes around 8.30pm, it is HOT, the kids are over excited, over tired but have a great time.  The teachers put in so much effort coming up with the dances, costumes and music, teaching the kids the routine and then keeping them engaged and focused, plus supervising them on the night.  Who ever said teachers aren’t dedicated? :)
Mr 6 is in his final year of Maternal (preschool) and he has a really wonderful Maitresse (the French word for teacher, it actually has an ^ over the i but I can’t find it on my keyboard…), so we are extra excited about the Spectac this year.  Unfortunately Mr Husband will be busy with work so I’m hoping there will be a DVD available for purchase, last year it was a great fundraiser and we watched that DVD a hundred times (the kids loved seeing themselves on TV and would dance along).
stack o skirts
Eariler this week I had a chat to Mr 6′s teacher and volunteered to help with the costumes for our class.  It is all a bit last minute, but the costumes are simple and I am more than happy to help out (plus Mr 6 is super proud that his Mummy is helping out).  I have made really simple skirts for the girls.  I love the colours our Maitresse picked out.  It’s kind of fitting that today is Thanksgiving for a lot of people as these colours really seem to fit the occasion :)
school skirts
The students are all around 6 years of age.  To keep things super simple and quick I used the width of the fabric so the selvedages will stop the fabric from fraying.  We wanted a rustic look so the hems were cut with pinking shears and left raw.  I didn’t even iron my elastic casing.  I just folded it under twice as I sewed.  This might be a bit tricky if you’re a beginner sew-er, but it saved me time :)

simple skirts

I will probably run a straight stitch just above the hem line after the Spectac as I am sure that we will need to trim a few hems on the night.  French kids generally measure a little petite :)

I am so happy with the idea that I came up with for the boys!  Wrap around pants.  They will be around 3/4 length and are fairly open at the sides so they should look great and move a bit as the boys dance around.

wrap around shorts
Both of my models are at school, but you get the idea.
To keep things simple I again used the selvedge, this time for the waist line.  I’m thinking I might put together a tutorial for these as they were so quick and simple and great for costumes as they are a one size fits most (I still made small, medium and large) so the teacher should be able to use them for different classes in years to come.  Again, all edges have been cut with pinking shears and left raw, but I have offered to run a straight stitch around the edges after the concert, once the time pressure has eased :)

wrap around pants inside
Seriously simple!  Two squares with a half oval cut out and sewn
 together on the oval/crotch line.
Whilst I was busy sewing costumes Maitresse was gluing feathers on barrettes.  I can’t wait to see the kids all dressed up, we have feathers and face paint, I’m sure there will probably be some glitter involved too.
Mr 4 will be performing for the first time and we provided jeans and a collared shirt as requested by his teacher.  After seeing his shooting moves (I’m not so keen on shooting games as he well knows) and hearing some of his counting as he practised, I suspect a cowboy or line dancing theme.  Mr 4′s class is first up so I hope Little Miss behaves and I am able to watch.  I am fairly certain she will be exhausted and happy to slump on my should by the time Mr 6 performs.
I can’t wait!  I’m so grateful that both boys are happy at school, that they have lovely teachers and that they are confident and happy to get up on “stage” and dance their hearts out.  
Bon courage mes enfants xx

And Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating today.

[side note: I have included some French words in this post because they are the words that we use even when speaking English which is just part of living in France.  Whilst I tend to discourage the children from mixing languages, preferring them to speak either French or English, switching between as they like, there are some words that we always use the French for.)



Today I found myself in thread heaven.  A true sewing/quilting addict, when I made my first quilt sale recently I instantly spent the money on thread LOL  I may have mentioned previously that I like Aurifil thread :)  A lot.  I’m slowly building my collection and this week my 13 new spools arrived!  Yeehaw!  This morning I got all matchy-matchy, totally got lost in the moment and just had to take a photo :)

matching threads
Appreciation gifts for teacher aides and cantine ladies at our school using this tutorial.

Can you imagine how excited I’m going to be when I actually use them for the project they are intended for?  I even ordered 20 new bobbins so that I can really have fun :)

Now I just need to work on my storage system…

Sunday Stash – International Quilter ;)


Things have been a little quiet around here lately as my family have just been on a trip to Australia. We had such a great trip, we really needed some downtime and whilst we were busy catching up with friends and family, we definitely recharged our batteries!

Relaxing and recharging

I took great pleasure in marking my “profession” on the immigration documents as “Quilter”.  I considered “blogger” or just leaving it blank and I know some would suggest I write “Mother” or “Housewife” or even “Spouse”, but I aspire to spend more time quilting so it seemed the right description ;)  I’d love to hear what you put down as your profession when you travel :)

The timing of our visit was set by a wedding of some wonderful friends (the type of friends that are actually family, I remember the bride as a newborn!).  The wedding was absolutely fantastic, both the ceremony and reception were held in the garden of the bride’s parents.  A garden which is stunning normally, but 12 months of dedicated work had created a truly magical setting.

The mother of the bride, aided by moi and a number of other family and friends, did all of the catering. Holy moly did we ever cater!  So much food and so delicious (if I do say so myself)…  The bride made her own cake and it was fantastic, each layer was a different flavour!

The Bride and Groom: two peas in a pod!

Whilst we spent the first week of our holiday helping prepare for the wedding, the second week involved a few errands and a lot of shopping.  I think I have sorted both Christmas and birthday presents for all three kids :)

Funnily enough I only popped into my LQS once very briefly, I totally intended to go back for a longer visit, but we ran out of time.  I did manage to pick up a pair of quilting gloves while I was there.

I have read of some of the great finds people have made of fat quarters in Big W and I was lucky enough to find this text print.  This was my ONLY fabric purchase in Australia!  Can you believe it!?!?!

I also purchased a couple of cute prints on twill tape.  I have some ideas for these…

I actually ran out of time to make my Little Miss a dress for the wedding so I called on my talented friend who runs Ms Midge and she whipped up the cutest dress!

Mr 6′s tie made by me :)

Double bonus, she included a bag of scraps for me :) :)

All in all it was a great holiday.  Today we have spent the day unpacking both the suitcases and the house as we had some work undertaken whilst we were away and had to pack up all three bedrooms.  All five of us are exhausted and I urgently need to get to the supermarket, but I’m hoping to get some sewing in tomorrow.  I’m nothing if not ambitious LOL

We were lucky enough to housesit
 for friends who have a fabulous garden!

I’m linking up with Sunday Stash which is over at Blossom Heart Quilts this week :)

Travellin’ Pic Stitch Blog Hop


Welcome to Pretty Bobbins for the Travelling PicStitch Blog Hop!

I am lucky enough to live in Nouméa, New Caledonia (before you head to google where it is, it is a little east of Australia kind of level with Brisbane which is about half way up the Australian east coast).  Not only are we lucky enough to be surrounded by a gorgeous lagoon, there are numerous ilots nearby and lots of green.  Colour is a huge part of life here, from buildings to dresses and everything in between.

bright houses Anse Vata
Colourful house/business, Anse Vata.

I had a really hard time choosing a photo to use for my colour palette!  Whilst I don’t spend a lot of time on the water, the lagoon what I picture when I think of Nouméa.

returning to Nouméa

The city itself provides fantastic colour inspiration with buildings providing an eclectic yet vibrant heart.

Anse Vata, yellow shack
Anse Vata
Croix Rouge, Nouméa
La Croix Rouge (Red Cross), Centreville, Nouméa
Vacant lot, Nouméa
Vacant block, Quartier Latin.

When I look around me there is colour everywhere, clothing, buildings, the blue of the lagoon and the green of the foliage.

Quartier Latin
House, Quartier Latin.

I decided I had to use a photo of the lagoon for my colour palette, even then I had a tough time choosing just one!

Coast, Northern Grande Terre
Northern Provence, Grande Terre.
turtle beach, Maré
Beach Maré
Ilot Maitre
Hotel view Maré
Tadine Maré
Tadine, Maré.

And then I remembered the sunsets. Oh, the sunsets!

Poindeme, Northern Provence, Grande Terre.
Sunset Anse Vata
Anse Vata

I probably spent a little too much time thinking about how to capture the shimmering blues from the deep dark water to the azure shallows.

Anse Vata (or heaven!)
Anse Vata (dodgy phone pic, sorry!)

In the end I settled on these fabrics for a cushion cover.

fabric selection  

You may notice that one fabric is missing in this photo, it was a scrap of liberty and I included it at the last minute and used every last piece!

Hmm, that really needed more ironing!

I have good friends who are leaving Nouméa and I really wanted to give them a farewell gift, but it is hard to find the right souvenir.  The photograph I chose for my palette inspiration is from a lovely day that we spent on Ilot Maitre.

ilot maitre palette

I thought it fitting that I use this photo for their farewell gift.  I made them a cushion to take back to New Zealand and hopefully remind them of their time on this beautiful island :)

cushion on bed

To be honest I’m more of a paper piecing girl than an English Paper Piecing girl and when I was weighing up designs I almost settled on squished hexagons (technical term!).  In the end I’ve selected a design that I could have easily paper pieced, so I’m not sure if that defeats the purpose LOL  I love it though and I don’t know if I could have achieved such a lovely curve if I was Paper Piecing.

epp tools

I used Aurifil 50wt (2720) thread to both hand stitch my pieces together and machine appliqué the strip onto some furnishing weight fabric.  I love my sewline glue stick and it worked a treat EPPing! Normally I would have whipped out my overlocker (serger) to finish my edges inside the cushion, but I am actually in the process of packing up my house so I just used the zigzag stitch on my sewing machine.

machine applique

I wanted the colours of the lagoon to jump out but not shock them too much in the somewhat more subdued palette of their new home of Wellington, New Zealand so I selected a dark furnishing weight fabric for the main part of the cushion.  The negative space is somewhere between brown and grey, reminiscent of the traditional Kanak huts which are still used to accommodate families and are found all around New Caledonia. I did consider quilting it, but I really want that paper pieced strip to speak for itself so I left the negative space alone.

I inserted an invisible zipper so that the cushion can be double sided.  Although this print is called African butterflies, it really reminds me of New Caledonia.

Thanks for stopping by, there are two of us hosting the blog hop today so make sure you pop over and say hi to Cyndi at Cyndi Stitches.  Tomorrow you can find the Travellin’ Pic Stitch Blog Hop at Displacement Activity.

This post is part of the Travellin’ Pic Stitch Blog Hop.  From 1st October – 30th November we are hopping all over the world EPP-ing in some fantastic locations.  Check out the full list here and be sure to check out the other participants. On 30th November it’s over to you to link up for a chance to win these fabulous prizes! Sponsored by, FabricwormPink Castle Fabrics ,  Marmalade Fabrics, the Fat Quarter Shop, WantItNeedItQuilt, and Aurifil.
Full details for competition entry can be found here.

Sew Seasonal Blog Hop – A very tropical Christmas


Hello and welcome to Pretty Bobbins!  Thanks so much for stopping by today.  I am very excited to be part of the Sew Seasonal blog hop being run by Kristy and Alyce!

Sew Seasonal Blog Hop

I was lucky enough to get Kristy’s paper pieced Baby Jesus in the Manger as my block to showcase.  Kristy did tell me afterwards that this is one of the more challenging blocks of the 12, but I really found it to be easy to follow and super precise.  I’ve made a couple of Kristy’s blocks now and I have to say all of them have turned out perfectly.  She has a real knack for designing simple yet impressive block.

Straight away I knew I wanted to use the blog hop to make my parent’s in law a Christmas gift, my Mother in law has a lovely collection of Christmas decorations and whenever we can we spend Christmas with them.  I hope she likes this wall hanging.

In addition to the Manger block I also used the Star and Angel blocks, both of which came together quickly and easily.

I used the same fabrics throughout the three blocks to provide some unity.  I used Essex linen blend in (some fancy name for) grey for sashing, a Spotlight Christmas print from last year for the backing and for the binding a random Christmas print that I picked up at my LQS last year. I pieced and quilted using Aurifil 50wt because I really enjoy sewing with it and use it whenever I can (colour numbers listed below).

My trusty Paper Piecing tools.

I made my blocks to be 7.5″ unfinished.  For the sashing I cut four strips 2.5″ x 7.5″ and two strips 2.5″ x 29.5″.  My unfinished top was 11.5″ x 29.5″ and I cut my backing a little bigger than this.  For the wadding I pieced together some scraps using a flat overlock stitch on my sewing machine (I could say this is a clever use of scraps, but the reality is I’m stingy LOL).

I then hand embroidered some meaningful words (Noel, Peace, Joy and Goodwill) in Christmas colours before basting my wall hanging.  I did some SLQ inside each block (2720), the Angel’s robe (2024) and the manger (2605) and SLQ outside the star (2000) and some FMQ (2000) on the Angel’s wings and the straw (2000).  I really wanted to feature some sort of stary FMQ on the borders but everything I practised looked a bit, well, terrible LOL  In the end I was inspired by the print on the backing but kept my original idea of stars.

Back (quilting inspiration) and front with a combination of FMQ, SLQ and hand stitching.

I added hanging pockets and a label.  Whilst I was tempted to quilt this little wall hanging to heaven and back, I really wanted to retain the feel of the paper piecing.  I hoping the minimal quilting that I did is enough to keep it sitting nice and flat against the wall.

All I thought I had left to do was the binding…

Can I tell you a secret?  When I was machine sewing on my binding I tried to speed up the process by not sewing my hanging pockets in first, but just pinning them in place with the idea that the binding stitching would catch them….  Yeah, um, that didn’t work!  So I added some additional stars to catch the bits of the hanging sleeves that I missed, I hope it doesn’t look too out of place.

Getting creative with some constellations

The idea is that they are practical (save me unpicking!!!) and look kind of like a star burst from which the other stars are falling.  In an attempt to regain some balance I added a few extra stars around the words.  At which point I realised that “goodwill” as two Ls!!!  Oh dear, I should not finish projects in a rush before heading on holidays…

Not so much goodwill…

So an extra L was squeezed in and I was well and truly ready to call this project FINISHED!

Yippee!  All fixed (if a little wonky) ;)

Don’t get me wrong, I love this wall hanging and I think my parent’s in law will too, I just shouldn’t rush projects.  But then I should have been packing not sewing…

A very tropical Christmas wall hanging

Thanks so much for having me on your blog hop Kristy and Alyce, I hope some of you are inspired by my wall hanging to get started on your Christmas sewing :)  I think I will be making one of these for my family. 

You probably already know, but the patterns featured in the blog hop are currently free on craftsy (they will be available for sale after the blog hop) and there is a linky party on the 30th so make sure you pop back to Blossom Heart Quilts and Quiet Play to join in the fun!  In case you missed any of the previous days in the blog hop here they are :)

1st November: Kristy from Quiet Play & Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts
2nd November: Marieka from Bespoke Bites & Jane from Where Jane Creates
3rd November: Susan from Patchwork N Play & Kelsey from Kelsey Sews
4th November: Janice from Better Off Thread & Erin from Missy Mac Creations
5th November: Lucy from Charm About You & Rebecca from Making Rebecca Lynn
6th November: Charlotte from Lawson and Lotti & Amy from Amy’s Crafty Shenanigans
7th November: Jess from the Elven Garden & Cindy from Live a Colorful Life
8th November: Elaine from Dashasel Sews & Kelly from Jeliquilts
9th November: Beth from Plum and June & Fiona from Finding Fifth
10th November: Juliet from Tartan Kiwi & Fiona from Celtic Thistle Stitches
11th November: Taryn from Pixels to Patchwork & Anorina from Samelia’s Mum
12th November: Megan from Jaffa Quilts & Jane from QuiltJane
13th November: Gemma from Pretty Bobbins  (me!)

30th November: Link up to win!

Fat Quarter Shop

Awesome Launch Day giveaways – Secret Squirrels – check back November 1st for details!

+ 2 x $10 vouchers

Intrepid Thread

Joy by Kate Spain – full fat quarter bundle + panel (oh yes a FULL bundle!)

Fabric Worm

2 x $25 vouchers

Sew Lux Fabric and Gifts

1 x $25 voucher

Stash Modern Fabric

1 x $30 gift voucher

Blossom Heart Quilts

Japanese Christmas fabric – fat eighth bundle

Quiet Play

Cherry Christmas Charm pack

Plus, are you needing some Christmas fabric supplies for the hop? Well, Chrissy from Sew Lux Fabrics has set up a special discount code on Christmas fabrics in her shop! So if you need supplies, be sure to check it out. The code is “sewseasonal10” and is for 10% off all Christmas fabric (Joy, Blitzen, and Sentiments) through November 18th. A charm pack or layer cake will work perfectly for these patterns!

Phew, got all that?! If you’re going to join in the Christmas fun, grab a button, join the Flickr group, and let us know!

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