August 2013 archive

Princess Quilt


I have a little Miss who turned three on the weekend and is obsessed with Princesses.  We have been trying to decide on a name for her dolly and she is adamant that dolly should be called “Princess”.  Anyway, with a third birthday looming we decided it was time for Missy to move into a big girl bed and a quilt was therefore needed.

Princess Quilt in direct sunlight

As I mentioned previously, this quilt is sooooo hard to photograph.  The colours come across as washed out.  Trust me, this one is a stunner.  I love absolutely everything about it and it is not at all washed out in real life :)

This shot captures the true colours of the Princess Quilt well

I started out with some Alexandra Henry “Princess Kingdom” prints from Hawthorne Threads and then pulled themed prints from my stash (I was quite shocked when I discovered three magic toadstool prints, there’s a possibility that I’ve become a hoarder!).  I then selected high value/high volume/saturated prints from my stash, many of these have come from my stash subscription with Pink Castle Threads.  I actually meant to use a darker background as Missy is known for staining quilts with textas but I ended up using some Bella Bleached White from the Fat Quarter Shop (I use both Kona and Bella solids but have a slight preference for Bella).  (And this post isn’t sponsored, just letting you know where to source these goodies.)

Lovely Princess prints by Alexander Henry

I framed each of the feature prints in the high value prints and then added white sashing.  I love improv piecing and I’ve found that it pays to layout your pieces on the design wall, break them up into sections and then try and get these sections to either the same width or length.  To do this I generally cut sashing at two widths, a wide sashing of around 3.5″ and a narrower sashing of around 2″.  These can then be trimmed back or added to.

In this progress shot you can better see how different sized blocks were pieced together using a wide and a narrow sashing

I added some floating blocks to the top and the bottom using some super special Liberty of London scraps, some voile and some favourite quilting cottons.

The top and bottom feature floating squares of some favourite prints, Liberty scraps and voiles.

I like big quilts.  I like a quilt that covers the pillows and hangs nicely over the end as well as both sides.  This quilt ended up at 87″ x 62″ (I lost a fair amount in both trimming and washing) and I love the size.

L-R: Rainbow I Spy Quilt, Princess Quilt, Kitchen Windows Quilt

I actually didn’t realise that I had unintentionally made quite similar quilts for my children until I lay down and admired them.  How cool is this view?  If only I could snuggle here all day!

I love that they match without being too matchy-matchy

I used a super soft and snuggly Anna Maria Horner flannel (again from Hawthorne Threads) for the back.  I love how the quilting looks on the back :)

AMH flannel paired with 100% wool batting makes for a super snugly quilt!

Free motion quilting is my passion.  If I could quilt every day of my life I would be a happy woman indeed.  A little while ago I read a quote that was something like, “be so awesome that they can’t ignore you” and it has rung in my ears ever since.  I put that philosophy 100% into my quilting.  I want to be a famous quilter, not for the money or the fame (like there’s any of that in handmade LOL) but because I want enough people to want me to quilt for them and actually get paid so I can make this my job.  That’s the dream, but the reality is that I love to quilt and that I spend a lot of time coming up with designs, practicing them and making myself the best quilter I can be.  And I enjoy it! :)

Here you see a mix of feathers, dense lines and large pebbles. The quilting was designed to enhance and compliment, but not overshadow the quilt.

I quilted feathers in the negative space around the floating blocks in a soft pink (if you’re looking for a soft pink thread, try this one!) Aurifil 2410 in 50wt. I would have used it for the whole quilt except the spool was low, so I outlined the feathers in white (Aurifil 2024 in 50wt) and then densely FMQed the blank areas.

I quilted around the designs in some of the larger prints.

I quilted large pebbles between the feature blocks.  I didn’t want the quilting to distract from the prints and I think I achieved this well.

Each section of the quilt is quilted differently but all with a princess in mind. I see vines covering a tower, flowers to be used for a crown and true love aplenty :)

I saw the negative space between the curved borders on the side and the pieced center as an opportunity to have fun.  Again using the soft pink (Aurifil 2410) I did a kind of curvy pattern inspired by Angela Walters quilting of Tula Pink’s Anchor Quilt.  I would have liked to have had three of these on both sides, but I didn’t have space to do a third nicely so instead I densely FMQed swirls, butterflies, paisleys, hearts, flowers and a few words in white (Aurifil 2024 in 50wt).

The curvy lines on the left were inspired by the quilting of Angela Walters on Tula Pink’s Anchor Quilt.

The curved pieced border was a lot of fun and a key feature of this quilt.  I selected matching low value prints from my stash cut them at 7″ x 5″ and then did an improv curved piecing technique to join them to the bella bleached white.  I realised afterwards that I should have done this part slightly differently to get perfect corners but  am happy with how it turned out.

The pink quilting in the pieced border was inspired by a ribbon I bought years ago.

Coming up with a quilting design for the pieced border was difficult.  I worked hard to make sure that the borders were directional when the quilt is hanging on a bed.  I wanted to incorporate love-hearts into the design but it was difficult to come up with a repetitive, princess type design that was directional and did not overpower the prints.  Yes, I think a LOT about every aspect of the quilt LOL  I’m super pleased with the design I came up with in the end and Aurifil 2452 in 50wt was a perfect fit!

I have not always had great results using different top and bottom thread when quilting but I didn’t want to use super light threads on the back.  I paired Aurifil 2510 (a light lavender) with white and used a lot of the dusty pink (Aurifil 2452) in the bobbin.  This worked well because the colours were similar enough not to cause any tension issues and I got the look I wanted on both the front and back.

Quilting detail on back

I know I’ve already said it, but I LOVE this quilt.  It even fits on my bed, but seeing as I quilted my daughter’s name onto it I figure she should keep it ;)

Princess Quilt (very large and very hard to photograph well!)


This quilt was designed, pieced and quilted by me on my Bernina 440QE using Aurifil threads.  I used 100% wool batting, flannel back and an array of quilting cottons (including bella solids) for the top.  It measures 87″ by 62″ and was deemed fit by my little princess ;)  We’re hoping to find a pea under her mattress which we can then remove to solve all of our sleep problems ;)

Whilst I love, love, loved making this quilt (which I think took about two weeks, funny how speedy I can be with a deadline!) I am happy to be back to more saturated projects :)  Next up is a mini for Mr Husband for father’s day <3  Do you tend to work with the same palette over and over or do you mix it up?  Do you feel a bit funny when working with a palette outside of your comfort zone?  What do you do to make it work or check that you’re on the right track?  I’d love to hear about your process :)

I’m linking up to Sew Cute Tuesday at Better Off Thread and Anything Goes Mondays at Stitch by Stitch :)

Curves Cushion Cover Giveaway



Hurrah for August!  I’m celebrating one last time by giving away a quilted curvy cushion cover.  I shouldn’t really be celebrating as August is nearly over and I still need to complete my bee blocks and prepare for a double birthday party this weekend…

Improv curvey quilted cushion cover

As a final celebration of August I’m giving away this 15″ cushion/pillow cover (insert not included) that I made yesterday.  As always I used my lovely Aurifil threads (2810 and 2605 in 50wt) and had a lot of fun free motion quilting on my Bernina 440QE.  The grey is kona steel and the prints are some favourites that are fast becoming scraps!  This giveaway is to say thank you to all of you lovely readers here on the blog and the wonderful bunch over on Instagram.  Whilst Instagram is definitely dampening my blogging mojo somewhat I really encourage you to give it a try if you haven’t.  There is so much inspiration and a really nice quilty/crafty community.

I used nearly the last of a favourite print on the back

Just leave me a comment letting me know why you like to read my blog (or follow me on Facebook or Instagram).  As I’ve mentioned before I have a dream to turn Pretty Bobbins into a business quilting for other people whilst continuing to make quilts for family, friends and for sale.  Being online is a big part of what I do, I love the social interaction with other crafty types.  I love meeting like minded people all over the world.  As much as my blog is a place for me to share my makes with you, I also want to make sure that I’m actually sharing things that interest you.  There are lots of posts that I’ve hesitated about writing because they were too wordy, I was worried I’m not qualified/an expert or I just didn’t think it was a good fit.  I would love it if you could tell me what keeps you coming back.  The pretty quilts?  The visual inspiration?  The posts about colour or process?  The tutorials?  Is there something that I’m not blogging about that you would like to see or something that I could do better?

A simple zippered closure so you can feature the front or back (but I hope you like the front enough to show!) :)

I don’t talk about myself very often so I’ve decided to share a few things about myself today :)  Feel free to just scroll down and enter the giveaway ;)

I’m an only child who has three children and an incredibly patient and supportive husband.  I have crazy hair, I’m forgetful, I always try to do too many things at once and I never knew what I wanted to do until I started quilting.  Now I get anxious at the thought of not realising my dream of being a full time quilter.

It’s seriously hard to giveaway a cushion cover that looks so good on my sofa! ;)

I speak four languages (English, French, Indonesian and Mandarin) but my Mandarin is pretty basic these days.  I always wanted to live overseas but now that I’ve done it a couple of times I’ve realised that actually I love holidays overseas.  I’m a homebody who needs a haven in the suburbs and a job that gives me time with my family.

I don’t remember learning to sew, but my Mum, Grandma and Aunt all sewed and I was always around sewing growing up.  My Aunt is the only other quilter in my family but we have very different styles (her quilts are beautiful!).

Quilting detail up close

Whilst I’m not one for pigeon holes, I would put myself in the “modern quilter” camp.  I love colour, creativity and improvisation.  I LOVE to quilt.  I am much better at drawing with my sewing machine than with a pencil and paper!  I’m a perfectionist and I love the absolute perfection and micromanagement that is part of piecing.  Free motion quilting and improv curves make me happy.  I crave simplicity.  I want a vegie patch and chickens and I want to quilt day after day after day.

So there you go :)  That’s me in a nutshell (and now I have Austin Power’s nemisis in my head crying “help! I’m in a nutshell” LOL)

Improv curvey quilted 15″ pillow cover

If you’d like to be in the running please leave me a comment letting me know why you like to read my blog/instagram/facebook or what else you would like to see me post about.  If you follow me on Instagram you can have a second entry over there, just share the photo that I’ll load shortly with the hashtag #prettybobbinsgiveaway and tag me  I will combine the number of entries with blog comments first, ie. 1-50 then followed by IG comments in order ie. 51-90.  The giveaway will be open until midnight AEST (Sydney time) Saturday 31st August.  I will use to draw a winner and announce it on Monday 2nd September.  Please leave your email address (if the winner is on IG I will tag you there) so I can contact you.

This giveaway is open wordwide (it’s for the cushion/pillow cover only).

Good luck and thanks for supporting me on this creative journey xxx


French Cross Stitch Giveaway



So last week was slightly crazy.  Two of my babies had birthdays and we had the removals company come over to start the process of our return to Australia.  I have done a number of international and interstate moves but it still threw me for six.  I often feel like I live in a toy shop that exploded.  Well, it’s not really possible to move when you’re house resembles a bombsite, so I have a lot of work ahead of me.  It’ll be fine, but I did take a few days to come to terms with that.  Oh yeah, and the little fact of returning to work after eight years on leave!  Yes, it’s been eight years!  But that’s a whole different story so let’s just ignore that fact for awhile ;)

French Cross Stitch magazine cover

I mentioned that August is my bloggy celebration month.  Two family birthdays and my blogiversary.  With our time in France coming to an end I have been hitting the bookshops, so I decided to giveaway a French quilting magazine.  Except after spending a good half an hour choosing between the three available I realised that the measurements are all in centimeters!  So I spent another half an hour deciding whether or not my readers could cope with quilt patterns in centimeters (I know I couldn’t).  In the end I selected a lovely (and very French) cross stitch magazine.  Now I know that you might not be interested in cross stitch, but it is a lovely magazine and cross stitch was my first craft love.

Basket cover

As much as I hate chopping up books, you could even just use the lovely images and text for something crafty.

Wild flowers

There are some really sweet projects and the magazine provides the number of the DMC threads used, so it should be fairly straight forward to make the projects.

Drink cooler cover

My favourite project is the drink cooler cover.  I love the colours but I also can’t go past French text.  Oh la la! ;)

Don’t despair if cross stitch is the last thing that you’re interested in.  I have another giveaway ready to announce tomorrow.  It will be the last for the month and is going to be hard to part with!  In fact I’ve hidden it from my husband as he will want to keep it!  If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen a sneak peek already, but for the rest of you, here is a progress shot from earlier today :)

Cushion cover in progress

To be in the running to win the French Cross Stitch magazine you need to follow my blog.  Just leave me a comment letting me know that you follow along.  If you like you can let me know what (if anything) is your favourite French thing.  Do you love baguettes, French accents, French films or French country style?  Living in France I have found that the stereotypes are true but there is also so much that I didn’t know about :)  I hope that you will appreciate this little piece of France <3

The giveaway is closes midnight AEST (google Sydney time) Saturday 31st of August.  I will draw a winner using and announce it on the blog and contact the winner via email on Monday 2nd September.  Please leave your email address so I can contact you :)

Bon chance!


Superhero cushion for the birthday boy


Congratulations to Amy C who won the Celebration Paper Pieced Pattern giveaway!  Yay Amy!  I’ve sent you an email.  Thanks to everyone for entering.  The patterns are available for purchase in Kristy’s Craftsy store :)  I will have two more giveaways to celebrate this month with the next being announced tomorrow.  For the third giveaway I’m thinking of making something.  Is that something that appeals or would you prefer something that you can use like fabric or notions or patterns?

But moving onto this week’s makes so far :)

You may remember that two of my babies have birthday’s this month.  My second child will turn five tomorrow (seriously, I can’t believe I have been a parent for nearly 7 years!) and after a busy morning at the aquarium the boys headed to a friend’s house for a play so I could get busy.  I’ve made big progress on the Princess Quilt but I decided that Mr (almost) 5 needed a Mummy made gift so I cut into my precious superhero fabric ;)

Superhero cushion front

I can’t wait to give this to Mr 5 tomorrow, we have given most of his friends similar cushions and I think he is going to love having his own :)  The back is a mix of scraps (including from my original superhero print) and Essex linen blend.  I felt in the mood to FMQ so I stitched out his name in Aurifil 12wt and then played with swirls around his name.  I even included a subtle message :)

Superhero cushion back

It’s hard to read, but it says, “Happy 5th Birthday, love always, Mummy”.

“Happy 5th birthday. Love always, Mummy”

I’m not one to get super personal online but I did a little questionnaire with the birthday boy just before bedtime this evening and I thought it would be cute to share his final answer. He is such a sweetie!

Me: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

Mr 5: “An inventor who makes potions and helps people if they’re crying because someone did something to them”.

Miss (almost) 3 answered “cheese” to this question!!!  Too cute.  Much cuter than the haircut she gave herself yesterday…  Yes, you can see that on instagram *sigh*

I’m linking up with Sew Cute Tuesday at Better Off Thread.



A couple of cushions


Pirate cushion

My most recent finishes are of the small variety.  Cushions for birthday gifts.  I love to make them and they are always well received :)

Cushion for the adorable Victoire

Ironically after two and a half years in Noumea, just last weekend I connected with some local crafty types.  Rue Bon is a lovely sewing blog by a mother at the same school as my middle child.  Fancy that!  I am totally inspired by her liberty tunic.  It’s put me in the mind to sew a few more items for myself…  I love that we weren’t the only family giving a handmade gift last weekend, yay for handmade!

Pirate pillow

Whilst I am not over the finish line for my daughter’s Princess Quilt yet, I did finish the top this morning.  I LOVE this quilt top!  I love everything about it.  I love those low value borders, the fun curve, how the colours tie in but don’t overpower the centre.  It is not an easy quilt to photograph though, I’ve fiddled with the photos to try and show you what it really looks like, but you might have to trust me, it is lovely in real life :)

Princess Quilt top

I love the floating squares (some Liberty in there too!), I have no idea how I’m going to quilt this one but there is so much room for fun!

Pieced Princess Quilt

I’m a 2″ short on my backing fabric (a gorgeous AMH flannelette that I used recently for a cot quilt).  The top measures in at a whopping 100″ x 70″. It’s meant to be twin/single size and I was aiming for closer to 90″ in length.  But at least it will cover the pillow and drape nicely over the end of the bed.  My daughter turns three in a week so I’m hoping to baste this beauty tonight and get some quilting in over the weekend.  Wish me luck!!

Curvy pieced border

I’m linking up with TGIFF over at Amy’s Crafty Shenanigans.


A Princess Quilt in the making


We are in the first of two weeks school holidays here so not much sewing is happening.  We have been to the beach, the aquarium, the playground, a few playdates and visited a toyshop or two for some fun window shopping.  My babies are growing up and I’m savouring every moment that I am still the coolest person in their universe :)  Speaking of growing up, my two younger babies have birthdays next week and I really need to focus on finishing this Princess quilt for my almost three year old!

Princess quilt top in progress

I have finished piecing a large section of the top and have a pieced border ready to add.

Princess quilt top in progress – first border

Another border is cut and ready to sew.  I’m using a selection of these low value prints and have some fun curves planned.  Hopefully I’ll get a little done tomorrow or panic will set in…

low value prints for Princess Quilt border

Don’t forget the pattern giveaway, it closes this Sunday that 18th of August.  All the details are here on the giveaway post.

PDF Paper Pieced pattern bundle giveaway

I’m linking up to WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced :)


Celebrate with a Paper Pieced Quilt!


***August is a month of celebrations for Pretty Bobbins.  It is my two year blogiversary and two of my children have birthdays this month.  There will be a giveaway for each of these events, you will find the first giveaway at the bottom of this post.***

Back in April I was Queen Bee for Wombat Stew, a paper piecing bee.  I struggled with a theme from the beginning, I really wasn’t sure that ‘celebrate’ would work.  I put together an inspiration board and by the time my month rolled around I hadn’t thought of anything better so I decided to go for it.  I asked the girls to make blocks of any size to fit the theme ‘celebrate’. I planned to make a wall quilt to hang every time we have a family celebration.  I also like the challenge of making a quilt from different sized blocks.  I asked the girls to stick to fun, bright and relatively gender neutral colours (so pink is OK but not all pink).  You can see some progress shots here.  Today it’s all about the big reveal!  (And if you really like the patterns you should keep reading right to the end *HINT HINT*)

Celebrate – a paper pieced quilt

I LOVE this quilt!  My kids love this quilt and August is a month of celebrations so as soon as I buy some dowel it is going on the wall :)  I quilted the heck out of the quilt and had soooo much fun doing so!  You can see the quilting better on the back.  It measures 37″ x 37″ and was put together and quilted with Aurifil threads by me on my Bernina 440.  Full credit to each of the bee members below <3

Celebrate – quilting details on back

I had my own little party quilting with a rainbow of Aurifil 50 wt threads (really, what’s a party without Aurifil? Alex seems to be everywhere if you follow him on Facebook LOL).  I used 2000 on the cream/off white areas and I love how they sparkle.  Can you see the word PARTY popping out in Kristy’s party hat blocks (Kristy of Quiet Play designed most of these blocks, isn’t she AMAZING???)?

Party hats by Kristy

Marieka baked me a delicious cake.  I was really unsure of how to quilt this block but really happy with how it turned out.  My icing is never that neat LOL  There is enough cake here for everyone, LOVE!

Tiered cake by Marieka

I had a lot of fun playing with Alyce’s pom poms (and I’m sorry, I had to make that joke LOL).  She very cleverly used a flying geese pattern, you can see her tutorial here.  I’m still considering adding a few beads to the pom poms but for now I’m sticking to the star in the middle (and yes, more micro-stippling there).  Aren’t they fun?!

Pom Poms by Alyce

Jane’s block is immediately apparent to Australian’s but some of my readers may be wondering what it is.  This is an absolute classic and staple of children’s birthday parties.  Known as “fairy bread” it is sliced white bread, spread with butter and then covered in sprinkles.  Jane obviously took a bite out whilst piecing and left her party blower behind as evidence ;)

Fairybread by Jane

Fiona’s cups (pattern by Ayumi of Pink Penguin fame) had a real retro feel so I quilted the wall paper to enhance this vibe.  Possibly better seen from the back, but aren’t they the cutest drinks ever? (There is a fourth block, you can see it in the larger photos)

Paper Pieced cups by Fiona (pattern by Ayumi Mills)


What party would be complete without bunting?   The adorable Lara (she is completely adorable, you should check out her instagram – luellabella) made me rainbow bunting.  LOVE!  I went a little nuts and quilted pebbles with each dot being inside a pebble.

Rainbow bunting by Lara

Whilst the wonderful Ms Midge wasn’t in round one of Wombat Stew she decided to join the party early and brought the candles.  Can you believe she tried to tell us she was a novice paper piece-er when we asked her to join us????

Candles by Ms Midge

And whilst we’re on the topic of Ms Midge, she sent me the cutest scrap EVER!  I LOVE this fairy and I quilted her in a micro version of the the FMQ design that I used on my daughter’s quilt. I’ve saved the last skerrik of this scrap and plan to make my daughter a cushion with it.  Thank you Midge xx

Cutest fairy scrap EVER complete with micro quilting

I totally got my FMQ on and micro-stippled this fantastic cupcake print (did I mention the girls sent the most amazing scraps with their blocks?!).

scrap love from the Wombats

I think every block/print features a different FMQ design.  I must admit I went a little crazy quilting around each candle (print in the bottom right of the above photo) this scrap is only  1.5″ x 4.25″. I was so impressed with the affect that I then quilted around the jellybeans and balloons too LOL

Celebrate paper pieced quilt

I added in some three dimensional bunting down the side (left over from another project) and at the suggestion from a friend quilted words underneath (sing, dance, encore, cake, secret, surprise, kiss).  The idea being that the birthday person must choose an activity to complete ;)

You gotta dance! (then shout hooray)

Well done if you’ve read this far!  Possibly my favourite part of quilting this beast is the words in the border.  I used 12wt Aurifil (2250) for top thread and the same colour in 50wt on my bobbin.  The stitches are perfect (I suggest going slow and smoothly and dropping your top tension a few notches).  Can you believe that I didn’t mark the words first?  It was all done free hand and I’m so pleased that it filled the borders perfectly and looks rather neat :)  YAY for machine quilting with Aurifil 12wt.  I will be doing this again and again and again <3

FMQ writing in 12wt Aurifil in the border, woohoo!

Did I mention that it was worth reading to the end?  Well, the fabulous Kristy of Quiet Play who designed most of these patterns has come to the party with a giveaway of most of the patterns seen in this quilt!  Thank you Kristy xx  I highly recommend that you give her patterns a go if you’re thinking of trying out paper piecing.  I’ve made quite a few of them and they’re always easy to follow and very well designed. You can find her shop here on Craftsy.

Pattern giveaway thanks to Quiet Play

All you have to do to enter is leave me a comment letting me know that you follow both Pretty Bobbins and Quiet Play blogs. (Head over to Quiet Play and follow Kristy here.)  You can have an additional entry if you follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Flickr, just leave me a comment letting me know :) You have a chance to win a bundle of paper pieced patterns by Kristy of Quiet Play as seen in the collage above (bunting, candles, hat and cupcake). The giveaway will close at midnight 18th August Australian Eastern Standard time (google Sydney time).

***This giveaway is closed***

Bravo if you made it to the end.  What a mammoth post!  I’m taking my celebration to the Paper Piecing Party at Quiet Play and TGIFF at Bedtime Quilting.

Princess Quilt in Progress


I asked a friend recently how her blog was going and she replied that she was too busy ‘doing’ to be blogging.  The recent silence around these parts is due to the same reason!  My little girl turns three later this month and I have a princess quilt to make!   Way back in the first week of July I pulled a heap of prints to go with some Princess prints from Hawthorne Threads.  I have been pondering the design ever since…

Whilst I have been beavering away on other projects my mind has been contemplating a design for the Princess Quilt.  I can’t tell you how many times I have looked through my favourites on Flickr.  I really had a mental blank and even asked the lovely peeps on Instagram what I should do.  As Alyce pointed out, I couldn’t just do a classic square in square LOL  My problem was that I wanted to feature the princess prints, I wanted a scrappy style quilt but I didn’t want chaos and I also wanted to challenge myself in design and technique.  Finally it all came together and I *think* I have a winner :)  I have a beginning at least!

My idea is to frame a number of princess themed prints in saturated prints. I want the frames to be narrow, to compliment the feature prints and to highlight them rather than over power them.  I plan to then add a fat border in a complimentary low value print.  I’m thinking that I will quilt the low value prints in a soft pink, bringing them all together and not making them look like princess vomit.  I hope!

I have selected a range of themed prints that I will fussy cut fat squares out of and add in at some point.  I really want the framed prints to float on a sea of three year old fun.

I’ve found so many themed prints in my stash that I’m thinking of adding some big borders and just having the framed prints right in the center of the quilt.  I’m thinking a lot about the design LOL  I’m excited about this quilt but I also have a deadline looming.  Miss soon-to-be Three knows that a Princess Quilt is coming and she hasn’t yet mastered the art of compromise…

I went looking for magic toadstools in my stash and found three!

I’m linking up to Work In Progress Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.


July Wrap-up


July was a big month for me, biggest of all was the move from blogger to wordpress.  Now you can find me at still a work in progress but up and working :)  To get over going cross-eyed over html code I threw myself into some recovery sewing.  July was really productive!

I made quilts (or partial quilts).

Clockwise from top left: Flight of the Butterflies, Celebrate quilt basted, Colourplay flimsy, Single A Mini

I made lots of cushions


Having a (nearly) three year old girl in the house princesses were a feature in July :)

Easy Peasy Princess Dress, paper pieced Princess and the Pea block (not yet blogged), Prince crowns (not yet blogged).

I’m linking up with Fresh Sewing Day over at Lily’s Quilts.