

Have you missed me?  Did you notice my absence?  Are you also melting in this crazy heatwave that Australia is currently enduring?  What a homecoming!

I often describe myself as overly optimistic.  I truly thought that I would continue blogging during our move.  Um…  that didn’t quite work out!  But I’m back and I’m itching to get back to designing, piecing and quilting.  The weekly I Quilt linky party will restart from next Thursday 23rd January, I hope you join me :)  But first up, let’s recap.

Last sunrise in Nouméa

Last sunrise in Nouméa

Leaving Nouméa was emotional.  Like any move it was chaotic, but those three years were more challenging and less enjoyable than many others that I’ve experienced and I really had to face it all as I left.  I do dearly miss my friends in Nouméa and oh how I mourn the blue of the lagoon!  I’ve swapped our tropical vista for the bush in Canberra (known as ‘Australia’s bush capital’ for a good reason!) and I am loving it.

Sunset from our house in Canberra <3

Sunset from our house in Canberra <3

I feel relaxed, happy, relieved.  All those things that don’t usually closely follow an international move.  Of course I am very lucky that both my husband and I are on leave and are able to spend the summer holidays with the children and setting up the house.  I LOVE our house.  Many times a day I gaze lovingly into my husband’s eyes and tell him how much I love this house ;)  It feels so right for us.  It features classic 1970s mission brown and bright white paint, cathedral ceilings and mostly original fixtures.  I am on a serious mid-century modern furniture bender at the moment (my budget being the only thing stopping me from refurnishing the entire house) and am eyeing off second hand sales and thrift stores.  Do other people furnish their homes this brightly? ;)


Excuse the shutters and blinds, we're in the middle of a heatwave...

Excuse the shutters and blinds, we’re in the middle of a heatwave…

Whilst I am eternally frustrated that the house isn’t perfectly organised right NOW!!  I am happy with the progress that we’re slowly making.  Our ‘dumping ground’ (ie. the rumpus room that we put all the stuff in that we didn’t initially know what to do with) has transformed into a guest room quilt show room.

photo (34)

But I know what you’re really wondering about…  Yes, I have a longarm!!!!  I won’t bore you with the setup hiccups that we had but I will tell you that’s she’s beautiful, clever, sexy and powerful.  She also needs a name…  Any suggestions?

I’ve been having fun practicing and working on some charity quilts.

photo (32)

I am open for business but the quilting website is still a work in progress.  If you are so inclined you can check it out here :)  Here I am in my studio with my lovely girl (and just for the record, I cannot bring myself to use the term ‘lady cave’, think about it people… ‘man cave’ works, ‘lady cave’ sounds a bit erm…  Well, let’s just say I enjoy my STUDIO) ;)

Gemma in studio

And yes, I make my own clothes so I can blend in with my stash LOL  Apparently it’s known as “quilter’s camo” ;)

Thank you for all the lovely messages and support during our move.  I have lots of quilts to share that I made just before we left Nouméa but blogging really had to take a backseat whilst we focussed on family.  Now that normality is starting to return, expect to see me back to blogging and quilting <3

Big love and happy new year to all you lovely, marvelous quilty folk.  Oh, and if you’re in Canberra, give me a hoi!  I’m looking forward to joining the modern and local quilt guilds :)  Keep an eye out for me, I’m much more shy in real life :)

20 Comments on Homecoming

  1. Ms Midge
    January 17, 2014 at 7:35 pm (3 months ago)

    I am so utterly excited that you now live in the same country as me! And I’m even more excited that you are settling back in and that life will be fabulous!!! Here’s hoping you get to Melbourne in April so I can test out how shy you really are ;)

    ps. love the ATC’s on the wall xxx

  2. Tanya
    January 17, 2014 at 8:53 pm (3 months ago)

    Welcome back to blog world (and Australia)! I can’t wait to hear more about that gorgeous looking long arm….

  3. Dorian
    January 17, 2014 at 10:56 pm (3 months ago)

    Welcome back to blog land. I missed you :) I’m a fairly new follower of yours and really enjoy your Thursday posts. So glad you are getting settled and have had time off to get the kids settled too.

  4. Dasha
    January 17, 2014 at 11:07 pm (3 months ago)

    Definitely missed you! Good to know that you haven’t melted into a big blob of nothingness LOL. We’ve been hot, but not as hot as other parts of our world including you guys. Congrats on the long arm.

  5. Renee
    January 18, 2014 at 2:46 am (3 months ago)

    Many congratulations! First on a successful move, and then getting a long arm (I will continue to be terribly jealous!), and then on creating a business out of it! Best of luck, your quilting is beautiful so I’m sure you’ll do well. I look forward to seeing all the quilting you create on that machine!

  6. Fran
    January 18, 2014 at 6:21 am (3 months ago)

    I’m a new follower too, but enjoyed the look round your house! Love blogs which welcome you in like that :-)

  7. Diana
    January 18, 2014 at 7:13 am (3 months ago)

    Glad you’ve landed on your feet, looking forward to more inspiration!

  8. Jess @ Quilty Habit
    January 18, 2014 at 8:08 am (3 months ago)

    Glad to hear everything is settling down! Missed you around blogland. I loled in the last part of your post :) – yeah, let’s just say it’s your studio or space!

  9. Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures
    January 18, 2014 at 10:10 am (3 months ago)

    Welcome home and home again to blogland!

  10. Katy S
    January 18, 2014 at 10:22 am (3 months ago)

    So glad to hear all has gone well with the move and that you are settling in. Congrats on the long arm! I so love mine!

  11. DeborahGun
    January 18, 2014 at 12:49 pm (3 months ago)

    YAY! So glad you are settling in so easily and feel enjoying it :-) I think difficult times make us even more grateful for the good times :-)

  12. Vera
    January 18, 2014 at 8:32 pm (3 months ago)

    Looking forward your color splash :-)

  13. Heather
    January 18, 2014 at 9:29 pm (3 months ago)

    Love the quilt camo dress – I have an old school friend who is a Canberra based blogger – check her out, she might be able to put you onto some groups – http://lynleyquilts.blogspot.co.nz/

  14. Quilting Dee
    January 18, 2014 at 10:42 pm (3 months ago)

    I have missed your blog. Glad you are settled back in Aus! Long arm looks most impressive, in fact, awesome!!

  15. Diana @ Red Delicious Life
    January 19, 2014 at 1:25 am (3 months ago)

    So glad to see you here again and that the move was a success! Very envious of your long arm and can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you’ll do with it!

  16. Sue
    January 19, 2014 at 10:24 pm (3 months ago)

    Welcome home. A warm, warm, warm welcome home for you! You know you’re back in Australia in summer when you start melting! How about Lou-Lou Longarm?

  17. Serena @ Sewgiving
    January 20, 2014 at 10:57 pm (3 months ago)

    Hooray! It’s great to see you settling in so well, welcome home :) Ditto if you’re ever in Perth!

  18. Kelli
    January 22, 2014 at 7:30 am (3 months ago)

    A. I did miss you.
    B. I had no idea how long a long arm was. MY goodness that thing takes up so much space!
    C. Can’t wait to see what you will do with it.

  19. babette
    January 23, 2014 at 5:44 am (3 months ago)

    I used to follow your blog so I waited your return!I dream about trying a beautiful long-arm,but my house is small so I make little quilts with my sewing machine.Have a good year in Australia!Here in France,winter begins.

  20. Yzo
    January 28, 2014 at 1:44 am (3 months ago)

    Your house looks gorgeous! I’m glad your move went smoothly. Love the long-arm and studio set up, can’t wait to see what you accomplish there :)


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