Modern Quilt Show


If you follow me on Instagram you will have seen a few photos on the weekend of the Modern Quilt Show in Berry, New South Wales (check out #modernquiltshowau)  It was an amazing day out!!  Prepare yourself for gushiness :)

My quilt, "Hues of the South Pacific" hanging at the Modern Quilt Show in Berry.

My quilt, “Hues of the South Pacific” hanging at the Modern Quilt Show in Berry.

This is only the second time I have had my work on display and was the first time that this show had run.  It was AMAZING to see so many beautiful, modern quilts all together in one place.  The place was buzzing, or at least I was (car sickness induced!) and I nearly peed my pants when I turned around and nearly ran into MolliSparkles (who won best in show) and the lovely Mr Sparkles.

Me and Molli

Me and Molli

Penny Poppleton snuck around the corner a moment later and there I found myself with a bunch of amazing modern, Aussie quilters.  Seriously, check out my hysterical grin, I was on cloud nine!  Meeting Penny was surreal, finally she is a three dimensional person in my memory, rather than an online friend that I think I connect well with. I really wish we had days together rather than minutes, I look forward to meeting again, I’m keen to check out her frame and talk more about it and all things quilty!

L-R: MolliSparkles, Penny Poppleton, Procrasticraft, Me and Scrappy Quilts.

L-R: MolliSparkles, Penny Poppleton, Procrasticraft, Me and Scrappy Quilts.

I was lucky enough to travel down to the show with a group of awesome Canberra quilters and spend the day with them.  Our youngest road tripper won Best in Show in the Children’s category which was fantastic and possible made up for the constant talking from the old ladies in the car.  (I did tell her that all quilters talk that much, not just us!)

Canberra Modern Quilters hit the road!

Canberra Modern Quilters hit the road!

Berry itself is a lovely town, but I didn’t get any pics of that!  I can share with you some gorgeous fabric I bought though…  I had a ball chatting to the lovely Kate of Kate Quilts, her fabric selection was divine and had Molli and I completely distracted from a very meaningful conversation.  I’m not sure what happened but we went from, “must pursue happiness, quilting and greater meaning in life” to complete silence for at least five minutes whilst we put together our bundles.  I’m thinking of making a triangle quilt with mine <3

From Kate Quilts

From Kate Quilts

I also met the lovely Kim of Simpson and Scarlett (her website is under construction but she has a FB page here) who had a great selection of fabric and totally tempted me with her bundles of Modern Domestic.  She saw me coming and offered to break her bundle which was very kind and I ended up with these pretties.  I went for fat eights as I have lots of pinks, but seriously, her stall was wonderful!


From Simpson and Scarlett

The very funky and talented Kathy of Material Obsession gave away a number of her books as lucky door prizes and this little red hen scored some candy!  To be honest I don’t buy quilting books anymore, I’m on too tight a budget and I don’t make quilts to a pattern, so it was WONDERFUL to be given a beautiful quilt book.  I would love to paw over her earlier books and encourage you to check them out if you have a chance, she has a great eye for design and colour.  She also has great hair!  (One notices these things when one is desperate for a haircut…)

I’m so glad that I made it to the Modern Quilt Show and met so many inspiring people and kindred spirits!  It has left me really excited about QuiltCon (yes, I’ll be there!  I’ve booked my flights) and looking forward to the second Australian Modern Quilt Show.

7 Comments on Modern Quilt Show

  1. Vera
    May 7, 2014 at 11:25 pm (3 weeks ago)

    what can I say? too bad you are too far away :)

  2. Sarah O
    May 8, 2014 at 9:10 am (3 weeks ago)

    Shame I missed it, in fact, I am sorry I missed it… I was swanning around Tassie sans child, just me and hubby, first 4 days to ourselves in nearly 9 years! And just look at those people I know in your post… ‘Penny’, my GOOD mate Squeak (Mon) and Molli with his necklace from my girl. I will now have to ponder how I can meet you Gemma!

  3. ChristaQuilts
    May 8, 2014 at 10:42 am (3 weeks ago)

    How fun! Thanks for sharing :-)

  4. Molli Sparkles
    May 8, 2014 at 8:16 pm (3 weeks ago)

    HAHAHA! Yes, that’s pretty much what happened! “I totally agree. The meaning of life is…” Oooh… pretty fabric! Let me pet you! “What were we saying?” I’m really glad we got to connect!

  5. Ms Midge
    May 8, 2014 at 9:14 pm (3 weeks ago)

    Love the photos Gem! And I’m totally kicking myself that A. I didn’t send a quilt up and B. I didn’t send myself up! xx

  6. Serena @ Sewgiving
    May 8, 2014 at 9:17 pm (3 weeks ago)

    I think a group of us Perthites should make the treck next year … you’ve inspired me :0)

  7. Jessica
    May 15, 2014 at 12:54 am (2 weeks ago)

    Thank you so much for making the trip up to see the show, for entering your beautiful quilts and for the generous prize donated as well. It was lovely to meet you, sorry I was in headless chook mode and didn’t get to chat more but again thank you so much for being a part of the show and for helping to make it a success.


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