I Quilt: Quilting keeps me sane


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Happy Thursday lovely quilty peeps and welcome to the I Quilt linky party!  I’m so sorry that I didn’t post last week.  I ended up spending four hours on Wednesday evening at the Doctor with my daughter and then a number of sleepless nights listening to her wheeze.  Nothing like starting a new school to introduce you to a whole round of germs!

Image used with permission from Hilary Florence.

Image used with permission from Hilary Florence.

This week I am going to talk about my sanity which is probably a bit of a reflection of the last week or month or year or so ;)  But first up I want to feature the ever lovely Hilary from Hilary Florence Quilting Workshop.  A couple of weeks back Hilary linked up a black and white quilt she was working on.  Hilary is a kindred spirit, she doesn’t mark her quilting and she embraces the wonk :)  As much as I love my Intelliquilter (computer guided quilt thingy for the longarm) it completely removes the imperfection and personality that comes with free motion quilting.  I love the little bumps that occurred when a child called my name or I decided to try something new mid-quilting.  I think we should all embrace these little pieces of our personalities that make their way into our quilts.  Mind you, looking at Hilary’s work it’s pretty close to perfect!!!  Just beautiful stuff Hilary!  You’ve totally inspired me, I can’t wait to see where you take this quilt.  Thank you for sharing.  Quilting with black thread on a white whole cloth deserves a round of applause so pop over and check out her work :)

Image used with permission from Hilary Florence.

Image used with permission from Hilary Florence.

I often find myself telling people how I got into quilting.  I’ve always sewn but quilting is something that I’ve really only been doing for two years or so.  I now find myself at a time in my life where I’m struggling to keep up with all of the demands that come with having a young family but quilting is something that I just won’t let go of.  Can’t let go of.  Quilting takes me to another place, my happy place.  It balances me, re-energizes me and fills me with confidence.

photo 4 (4)

I quilt for my sanity.  I quilt to be happy.  Quilting is SO much more than just thread and fabric.

photo 3 (4)

This week I’ve been working on a BEAUTIFUL quilt from Alyce of Blossom Heart Quilts in Japan.  It’s both a pleasure and a privilege.

photo 5 (1)

As always I just jumped in with an incomplete plan and had fun.  Moments of doubt crept in mid-quilt, but when I pushed on and enjoyed the process trusting that I KNOW how to do this.  I KNOW that I’m good at this.

photo 2 (7)

Three days a week I go to my day job, I question my productivity, I question my abilities, my confidence is lacking and I feel like I’m wasting everyone’s time.  I NEED to quilt on the other days for my sanity.  Who would have thought that a bit of thread, cloth and sewing machine could keep a girl sane?  Does quilting keep you sane?  Does it take you to a happy place?  Do you trust yourself and go with the flow?  Do you enjoy the process?  Why do YOU quilt?

i quilt blog button

Now let’s get linking :)  Please try to visit three other linkers and share your quilting process.  Don’t forget to share the love and add a link to my blog or the I Quilt button to your post or sidebar :)


An InLinkz Link-up


16 Comments on I Quilt: Quilting keeps me sane

  1. Leanne Parsons
    March 6, 2014 at 10:24 pm (3 months ago)

    I quilt to keep sane too! As a mom to 3 and babysitter to 3 more (when my own are in school), there isn’t a lot of time during the day for me. Playing with fabric relaxes me and makes me focus completely on something I want to be doing, which feels really important.

  2. Ms Midge
    March 6, 2014 at 10:39 pm (3 months ago)

    I absolutely adore your work Gem! I can’t wait until I have a quilt to send you!!! xxx

  3. Keera
    March 6, 2014 at 10:44 pm (3 months ago)

    Gemma this post spoke more than words to me – I absolutely sew and quilt to keep sane. I find I’m happiest with an armful of fabric and a sewing machine plugged in and ready to sew! I work from home which is both a blessing and a curse – when I need a quick fabric or colour fix I can step into the sewing room. Dreadful though when you are counting down the hours until you can switch off the computer and turn on the sewing machine! Love the progress on Alyce’s quilt. Can’t wait to see it finished!

  4. France
    March 6, 2014 at 11:01 pm (3 months ago)

    I quilt for the simple pleasure of creating a design with a needle. I mostly do hand quilting, which is easier for me. For me, hand quilting is a journey toward accomplishment. It is so relaxing and while doing it my mind can wander and solutions to problems just appear.
    I started quilting with my sewing machine approximately one year ago, but still have some practice to do in that field. The free motion quilting is not relaxing one bit! Not yet! ;-)

  5. Dorian
    March 6, 2014 at 11:57 pm (3 months ago)

    Oh I so agree!! It’s definatley my happy place and keeps me sane. I homeshool my 4 kids, and let me tell you, I NEED that space of my own from time to time :)

  6. Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures
    March 7, 2014 at 1:48 am (3 months ago)

    Tis my “Kwilty Pleasure”. Your work is amazing!

  7. Nancy R
    March 7, 2014 at 2:51 am (3 months ago)

    Me too..Quilting is my therapy. It has taught me that it is okay to fail and imperfections are usually only apparent to me!

  8. Cheri
    March 7, 2014 at 4:18 am (3 months ago)

    Most definately quilt for sanity! (sounds like a “donation cause”!!!) It does calm me down and clear my head tho! And I have to say…your FMQ’ing you show is is absolutely amazing! I dont have a long arm, but maybe some day! You do fantastic designs and work! I also linked to the linky party!

  9. Lea
    March 7, 2014 at 5:16 am (3 months ago)

    Gemma, how gorgeous you’re quilting is! Love it. I quilt because it relaxes me and energizes me at the same time. It let’s my mind wander, explore, create, get excited over new ideas and techniques and calms me all at the same time. It let’s me express love to other’s through giving a quilt. It’s even more than these things but I don’t know how to explain it any differently. Still I’m willing to bet you know exactly what I mean. :)

  10. Karen Miller
    March 7, 2014 at 5:41 pm (3 months ago)

    Congratulations Hilary – your black and white version of a whole cloth is just beautiful! Gemma…just loving what’s on your quilt rack today – oh my you do some beautiful quilting! The question you pose is an interesting one… I often go from my happy design, quilt, bind, place to a frustrated design, quilt place… (Notice bind doesn’t normally frustrate me ;). Anyhow, maybe that is growing pains when I leave the happy place – I’m not sure. I’ve been pushing outside of my comfort zone with new fabrics, new designs and some self imposed deadlines – so no, not always in a happy place… But that may only be because I feel guilty that I’m leaving other responsibilities behind…? I wonder… I’m rambling now. Hope you don’t mind I linked up something old this week – no FMQ for me in two weeks! Thanks again for the party!

  11. Sandra
    March 8, 2014 at 7:44 am (3 months ago)

    I do quilt for my sanity, too, but don’t get the sewing machine out often enough due to lack of space… Thank you for showing your wonderful quilting, and also for showing Hilary Florence’s work. I discovered her blog last week, and love what she is doing!!

  12. Renee
    March 8, 2014 at 12:53 pm (3 months ago)

    Your quilting is just beautiful! Can’t wait to see the finished quilt. I think I quilt for a lot of the same reasons. I’m really not sure who I”d be without quilting. I know who I was–but that was before kids, and owning a home, and is such a different person! What would I do, how would I keep sane without quilting?! No idea.

  13. Serena @ Sewgiving
    March 9, 2014 at 7:37 pm (3 months ago)

    Quilting uses the other side of my brain from my day job … it helps me feel more balanced. Beautiful work on Alyce’s quilt, simply inspiring!

  14. Susan
    March 9, 2014 at 8:34 pm (3 months ago)

    In an ideal world quilting would be your full time job because you are so very, very good at it and you would be totally fulfilled professionally. Here’s hoping that day comes soon.

  15. Celine @ espritpatch
    March 11, 2014 at 9:12 am (3 months ago)

    Yes sewing help me keep my sanity between the family/kids, work and the house! It’s my special time that I really enjoy

  16. Sarah
    March 22, 2014 at 10:00 pm (3 months ago)

    There’s a tshirt, I quilt so I don’t kill people! That’s me. It’s the thing I do for myself, the me time.


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