I Quilt online


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It’s Thursday, yay!  It’s almost the weekend :D  I hope you’ve got your quilt on and you’re ready to link up to this week’s I Quilt party.  This week I’m talking about how I quilt online.  But before I get started I want to feature the amazingly talented Christa of Christa Quilts!

christa quilts spiraling_out_of_control_fi

“Spiraling Out of Control” image used with permission by Christa Quilts

Christa has her own fabric shop so I’m terribly jealous from the outset ;)  She is also a talented and successful quilter and her blog is the place to go if you’re seeking inspiration, insights and how-tos.  I’m sure you all know Christa, but if you don’t, please pop over and check out her work and say hi!

Christa quilts modern_x_cquilts_mqg

“Modern X” image used with permission by Christa Quilts

Last week Christa shared some binding tips (and y’all know how much I love that part of the process!).  I love Christa’s modern Christmas trees series, you can find the main post here, but definitely check out the posts on the quilting, it’s super impressive!!

Christa quilts _modern_trees_finis

“Modern Trees“, image used with permission by Christa Quilts

I love the crisp, sharp lines that she tends to favour and I adore her quilting, especially as she is a real sharer of process, something that this linky party is ALL about! :)



This week I wanted to talk about being an online quilter.  You may be aware of the Blogger’s Quilt Festival run by Amy of Amy’s Creative Side.  If you haven’t participated before or you’re nervous about being “good enough” I strongly encourage you to throw caution to the wind and just jump in!  I’ve found some of my favourite bloggers through the festival (I’m looking at you Susan of Canadian Abroad) and aside from anything else, it is such a visual feast!

You’d be surprised to hear that I don’t spend as much time online as I used to ;) but I still LOVE all the fun, creative blogger things happening out there.  This week I came across “me made May” on Instagram (check out #mmm14 and #memademay) which is all about wearing clothing in May that you’ve made yourself.  Inspired to join in and make myself a fabulous outfit (I firmly believe that if you feel good in what you’re wearing and love how you look, you can conquer the world) I got busy last night and stitched up a tova tunic.  I’ll post about it later in the week, but you can see a sneak peek ;)

Pink and yellow giraffes! Love my new tova tunic!

Pink and yellow giraffes! Love my new tova tunic!

Some of my other favourite online quilting activities are Work in Progress Wednesday, Fresh Sewing Day and TGIFF.  Please, please, please add your favourite online quilty/creative/stitchy link ups/activities below.  If a hashtag inspired me to sew a fabulous dress then I think we need to share more of them! ;)

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Now let’s get linky!  Share your quilting process and don’t forget to visit three other linkers, we all love comments!!


An InLinkz Link-up


3 Comments on I Quilt online

  1. Christine Feldstein
    May 15, 2014 at 10:42 pm (2 weeks ago)

    Those quilts are wonderful and the machine quilting amazing! As regards your tunic… very very pretty!

  2. ChristaQuilts
    May 16, 2014 at 2:27 am (2 weeks ago)

    Thanks for the great feature – that’s so kind of you!

  3. Leanne Parsons
    May 16, 2014 at 5:20 am (2 weeks ago)

    Love the dress! That giraffe fabric is fabulous.


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