Quilters that inspire


It’s time to get your quilty link on!  This week I’m waffling on a bit and sharing the quilters that inspire me ;)

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So who here got in on the craziness this week and registered (or tried) for QuiltCon 2015?  Registration opened at 1am Wednesday here and I was up til 3am sorting it out.  It was all rather stressful (my internet dropped out at 12.45am, I didn’t get the email until 1.10am, it was 1.45am before I could even get to the register page) but I managed to register for a half day class and a full day workshop as well as some lectures.  I was feeling very down as all the Aussies girls were messaging madly on facebook, excited that they’d got their first preferences and were going back for more. I felt like the one who’d missed out.  I can be pretty good at self pity ;)

Making a QuiltCon wish list!

Making a QuiltCon wish list!

Anyway, after some sleep, and then some more sleep, I am able to be much more balanced about it all.  Especially as I’ve read many stories of others who didn’t get into anything.  It’s kind of funny because I feel crazy to be spending so much money to go so far (we are on a very limited budget as a family – we choose a lifestyle over wealth).  Even though I’ve been told how awesome QuiltCon is and even if you don’t get in, it’s still a blast.  Even though I’m travelling with a great antipodean contingent and am looking forward to meeting online friends and my first trip to the US…  Even with all that, it still niggles at me.

Quilting away my QuiltCon planning nerves.

Quilting away my QuiltCon planning nerves.

The money that we’re spending on my trip could give us the new bathroom that we sorely need, or even a cheap second car.  My husband is an eternally reasonable, generous and kind soul.  He is the balance in this relationship, I’m the nut.  He restores the calm, I ride the ups and downs.  He believes in me, knows how hungry I am for this dream and trusts that I’m not going to give up.  He convinced me to not just travel to Austin for QuiltCon but to stay on longer and visit my two best friends who currently live stateside.  He will take annual leave and look after three children for three weeks while I live the dream.  Man I am lucky that I found him!  I can’t believe I wallowed in self pity!

Pushing myself to grow as a quilter. Ruler work isn't easy and I enjoy the challenge of not marking my quilts.

Pushing myself to grow as a quilter. Ruler work isn’t easy and I enjoy the challenge of not marking my quilts.

So despite feeling terribly sorry for myself for missing out on classes, I know how lucky I am to be going, to have a partner who supports me, to have the resources to make it happen, to have clarity.  I know what my dream is and to be able to chase it.

Quilting on the fly <3

Quilting on the fly <3

I still hope to meet some of the quilters and artists at QuiltCon that have inspired me along my quilting journey.  I may not be in their classes or lectures, but I would like to share them with you here.  I first discovered them online and learnt so much from them, it will be a thrill to see their quilts in real life (hopefully some of them exhibit).

I finished quilting this whilst stressing about QuiltCon registration at midnight. Quilting helps me destress.

I finished quilting this whilst stressing about QuiltCon registration at midnight. Quilting helps me destress.

In order of my quilty journey of discovery here are some of the quilters that have inspired me.

Faith from Fresh Lemons Quilts – her crisp lines and great use of colour caught my eye.

Elizabeth from Oh!Fransson – her no nonsense advice and fabulous tutorials taught me heaps of great techniques.

Janice from Better off Thread – her use of colour, amazing patterns and attention to detail really engaged me.

Jeni from In Color Order – her series on colour theory rocked my world.  So simple, so well explained, so wonderful!

Rachel from Stitched in Color – her use of colour and beautiful projects had me mesmerized.

Jess from The Elven Garden – her quilts have a magical quality, the way she mixes quilting and piecing is very special.

Angela Walters - her quilting is beautiful.  So controlled, so perfect.

Lisa Sipes – AH.MAZE.ING.  Some people think my quilting is dense.  Lisa’s is perfectly dense (in the best possible way!) ;)

Krista Withers – Oh my.  Oh my.  Um.  total fangirl moment.  This quilter inspires me.  LOVE!!!

There are many, many, many more inspiring quilters out there, Latifah, Katie, Nicole, I could go on!! But these are some of the ones that I came across at the right point in my journey and inspired me to take the next step.

i quilt blog button

Now it’s your turn to link up your quilty process.  Please remember to visit three other linkers <3


An InLinkz Link-up


9 Comments on Quilters that inspire

  1. Michelle
    June 26, 2014 at 10:18 pm (1 week ago)

    Aw I’m sorry you didn’t get into your classes you really wanted! How stressful and upsetting. Last year I was signed up to a retreat in Ballarat – I had the leave booked, the deposit paid for and was to book the airfare that afternoon when I received word my 5 day class was cancelled!! I was devastated! I ended up doing a retreat at home instead, using Craftsy as my “retreat” (I should really blog about it – it was a lot of fun).

    I guarantee you will have fun at Quiltcon! It sounds like a wonderful escape with like minded people. And surely there will be a waiting list? People always have to drop out for a variety of reasons at the last minute!

    Hooray for other quilters inspiring you!

  2. Lynda H
    June 27, 2014 at 3:06 am (1 week ago)

    I am one of those who did not get into any of the classes – I have never attended a function like this before (widowed just 2 yrs) but am trying to get out more. I signed up to be a super volunteer, was accepted, waited until after registration to set my hours, and found out that all the volunteer hours had been taken as well. Now I don’t know if I will be attending or not – such a disappointment.

  3. becky m
    June 27, 2014 at 4:22 am (1 week ago)

    Glad you found your clarity on this. You’ll have a great time and it will be good for your business. One of the things I’m finding very difficult about this hobby, is the entitlement of the people in it. As someone going through an unexpected hard time financially, it’s refreshing to hear someone who is aware of what they have and is grateful for it. I would LOVE to have a long arm and have wallowed in my own self pity many times. But then I remember what I DO have and keep working toward what I want. Thank you for your honest post and have a wonderful time at QuiltCon. I look forward to reading about it.

  4. Andrea @ MouseInMyPocket.com
    June 27, 2014 at 5:23 am (1 week ago)

    I think your projects are lovely, and that you will have an amazing time at QuiltCon. I’ve never been myself, but I know that everyone I’ve talked to who has gone has had a blast. Sometimes an experience is worth much more than something physical, like a new bathroom.

  5. Katelyn
    June 27, 2014 at 10:54 am (1 week ago)

    I just love your current work. Stunning quilting. Also…I understand. I would be upset too. It is such an expense. Its sad to not get exactly what you want. That being said – Your husband sounds amazing!! You are so lucky to get to go! I live in the US and my sadness is that I don’t get to go. lol. I hope you have an amazing time! I love your list. mine is similar. :)

  6. Cassandra
    June 27, 2014 at 11:44 am (1 week ago)

    I love your reasoning and balance!! My partner is the same, the centre of my own personal hurricane. When I’m spinning out of control, he is the calm. I’m so jealous of your trip, and I can’t wait to live it all through you vicariously! You’re going to have an awesome time chasing that dream!

  7. KSW 28 online transmisja
    June 27, 2014 at 1:41 pm (1 week ago)

    I do not even know how I ended up here, however I assumed this post was once good.
    I don’t realize who you might be but definitely you are going to a well-known blogger when you are not already.

  8. Laurelle C
    June 27, 2014 at 8:25 pm (1 week ago)

    Your Husband sounds amazing! Have a fantastic trip. I think it’s great to go for what you want and maybe step out of your comfort zone once in a while. As long as you have a positive attitude ( which you do have ) you will enjoy your trip. Can’t wait to hear all about it. :)

  9. Ms Midge
    June 28, 2014 at 11:12 am (1 week ago)

    You are a very lucky woman my love! As someone who has ummed and ahhed about going – I am incredibly happy for you to be going, but also incredibly sad I won’t get to come with you! However – I have set my sights on 2017!!! xxx


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